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Grits to Glitz

We both started in Tennessee, but one of us moved to Las Vegas. We make each other laugh and we hope we make you laugh, too.

Nov 14, 2016

Hi! I'm Amy and I'm in Las Vegas! And for a few days in January, BAY is going to be in Las Vegas! And at least a couple of listeners! And a real, live Las Vegas podcaster who talks about actual Las Vegas!* And you should be there, too!

This super quick episode is just an announcement of the big event. We hope you can...

Nov 7, 2016

And does she know about ...? Once again, we started a show without any notes, and Bay didn't even drink a cocktail first (for fear she would keel over asleep if she did)! But we still managed to record a whole podcast, and no ecosystems were harmed! Save us from extroverts, and how's the election going in your neck of...