Amy and Bay are together in tiny Townsend, Tennessee, and It's
A Real HOOT!!! Get it? Hoot? We heard hootie owls? GET IT? OK, yes,
we may have been drinking at the time. We pulled a Harper Valley
PTA at an HOA meeting, and then we went shopping for shoes, and we
got pedicures, and we had lunch, and we rode an alpine...
This week's show is super Southern, thanks to an email from a
dear listener! Do you subscribe to any magazines? Let us know at
44-222-96269! Someone tell the Satyr that Bay needs remedial
lessons, too, OK?
Girl chat with a transcontinental slant. Two southern sisters, separated by 2000 miles, talk about what entertains and engages smart women, from the bright lights of Las Vegas to the sweet, soft hills of east Tennessee.