And does she know about ...? Once again, we started a show
without any notes, and Bay didn't even drink a cocktail first (for
fear she would keel over asleep if she did)! But we still managed
to record a whole podcast, and no ecosystems were harmed! Save us
from extroverts, and how's the election going in your neck of the
woods? Are we still going to have an infrastructure to podcast with
in two weeks?
We'll find out! Scandal and mayhem and food! AND! There's a strange
man in Amy's spare bedroom. Typical Grits to Glitz, y'all! Call
us!!!! 44-222-96269!
Girl chat with a transcontinental slant. Two southern sisters, separated by 2000 miles, talk about what entertains and engages smart women, from the bright lights of Las Vegas to the sweet, soft hills of east Tennessee.