PAR-TAY!!!! Right? Well, right? Like, y'know, like people do
in, like, Las Vegas? Where Amy lives? But this time, the lights are
going to go out where Bay lives, the band of totality of the Great
American Eclipse on August 21st! But
Amy's still gonna party. With friends. Who drop by Las Vegas.
Because it's a vacation...
Time for a Grits to Glitz trip report! Bay went to the
mountains and stayed in Amy's cabin, and she has a lot to say about
it. Wilderness! Wild animals! Stupid people! Tubing! Nice people!
People with sticks! Torrential rain doesn't mix with onion rings!
And for heaven's sake, if you say the car is unlocked,
Cars, cancer, kidney stones, cats, cosmetics, a cacaphony of
cookery criticism, and tubing. One of these things is not like the
others! Sigh. Such a typical Grits to Glitz kind of Independence
Day! Call us -- 44-222-96269!
Girl chat with a transcontinental slant. Two southern sisters, separated by 2000 miles, talk about what entertains and engages smart women, from the bright lights of Las Vegas to the sweet, soft hills of east Tennessee.