Dec 4, 2017
Amy got an exchange student! Bay visited Amy in Missouri! We ate a lot of food we liked! We drove a long way! Bay has PTSD because her boss moved the office from one place on Gay Street to another place on Gay Street! Do you like calendars and fun perfume? So Do Our Awesome Listeners! Please don't abandon us just...
Oct 22, 2017
Amy has had a terrible couple of weeks -- like, seriously, suddenly she has Bay's karma. From a favorite little restaurant suddenly taking a terrible turn for the worse, to a massive -- MASSIVE -- leak under the patio, it's all just, "Ugh." Bay, in the meantime, has turned to a life of crime. She stole a parrot. Well, a...
Oct 8, 2017
Sep 4, 2017
Aug 20, 2017